Author: James Qu

My name is James and I have been using Photoshop since version 5.0 (long time ago!). PSD Vault is my spare time hobby and I write majority of the Photoshop tutorials and articles here. I hope you enjoy my blog, and feel free to leave a comment or contact me if you have any questions.

In this tutorial, I will show you the steps I took to Create a Frozen Ice Text Effect in Photoshop. We will mainly go though some selection techniques, as well as layer styles and image adjustments. This is an intermediate level Photoshop tutorial so some steps can be tricky – if you think you’re up to the challenge, please go ahead :) The PSD file of this tutorial is available via the PSD Vault VIP members area. Here is a preview of the final effect I have for this tutorial: (click to enlarge) Note: if you have difficulty with Step 3…

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In this Photoshop tutorial, I will show you step-by-step on how to create this unique, “Deep Sea Portal” photo effect. We will use a combination of rock, fire & cloud painting to form this effect, as well as practicing layer blending & image adjustments. Have a try! This is an intermediate difficulty tutorial. The PSD file of this tutorial is available via the PSD Vault VIP members area. NOTE: THE PHOTOSHOP TUTORIAL IS DONE IN PHOTOSHOP CC – SOME SCREENSHOT MAY HAVE SLIGHTING DIFFERENT LAYOUT AS IN THE EARLIER VERSION. SOME BRUSHES ARE EXCLUSIVE TO PHOTOSHOP CS6 & above. Here is…

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In this Photoshop tutorial, I will show you the methods I used to create unique abstract photo manipulation by mixing rock and city stock images in Photoshop. We will combine 3 objects: human, rock and city into one manipulation and form a unique looking digital art. We will primarily use the adjustment layers tool, layer blending modes and various filter to achieve this manipulation. The PSD file of this tutorial is available via the PSD Vault VIP members area. This is an immediate level tutorial and some steps can be a little tricky, have a try! Here is a preview of the…

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