Unlock the full potential of Photoshop by mastering the Auto-Blend Layers feature to seamlessly merge two images and achieve captivating visual effects. In this comprehensive tutorial, we’ll guide you through the process step by step.
This article was updated on 07 of December, 2024 to include compatibility limitations, Common Issues and Solutions.
Stock Images Required
Step 1
Open the two images you want to blend in Photoshop:

In this case, I’m selecting one of the hot air balloon on the left (you can just draw a rough selection with Lasso Tool):

Copy and paste the selection to the other document:

Step 2
Select both images by holding down the Ctrl key (or Cmd key on Mac) and clicking on each image layer.

Hint: If you’re working with a background layer which is locked, unlock it first before using auto-blend.
Step 3
Go to Edit > Auto-Blend Layers.

Step 4
In the Auto-Blend Layers dialog box, select the Seamless Tones and Colors option.

Photoshop will automatically blend the two images together and create layer masks to blend the images together seamlessly. You can then adjust the blend settings as needed.

Here are some additional tips for using auto-blend layers:
- Make sure the images you want to blend are similar in size and resolution.
- You can make further adjustments such as curves, levels to make the blend perfect

Compatibility Limitations
- Image Mode: Auto-Blend Layers only works with RGB or Grayscale images. If you’re working with CMYK or Lab colour modes, you’ll need to convert your image first.
- Layer Types: This feature doesn’t work with Smart Objects, video layers, 3D layers, or background layers. Ensure your layers are standard pixel layers before attempting to use Auto-Blend.
Common Issues and Solutions
- Blurry or Inconsistent Results:
- Ensure your source images are well-aligned before blending.
- Try using the “Align Layers” option before Auto-Blend if your images aren’t perfectly aligned.
- Unexpected Color Shifts:
- If you notice color inconsistencies, try unchecking the “Seamless Tones and Colors” option.
- Adjust the individual layers’ color balance before blending.
- Visible Seams or Edges:
- This often occurs with high-contrast edges. Try softening the edges of your source images slightly before blending.
- Manually refine the auto-generated layer masks after blending.
- Performance Issues:
- Auto-Blend can be resource-intensive. Close unnecessary applications and ensure you have enough free RAM.
- For very large files, consider working on smaller sections separately.
Additional Tips for Flawless Blending:
- Ensure images are similar in size and resolution.
- Fine-tune the blend using tools like curves and levels for perfection.
- Experiment with different blend settings to discover unique effects tailored to your creative vision.
Now you’ve mastered the art of blending two images effortlessly! For further guidance and advanced techniques, consult Adobe Photoshop’s help documentation.
Further Readings
How to Blend Two Images Together in Photoshop
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