In this tutorial, we will draw a realistic piano keys solely using Adobe Photoshop. We will be combining manual drawing and the gold old Layer Style to achieve this task.
Piano is one the most popular musical instrument in the world. It is played by pressing down or striking its keys which will cause the hammers to strike the strings inside.
This tutorial is not too advanced, but it is assumed that you already knew the basic of Photoshop, such as the concept of layers and vector drawing. Let’s get started.
Here’s the piano keys we are going to make in this tutorial:

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Step 1: Preparation
We dont need any resources other than Photoshop itself. Start by making a new file (Ctrl + N). There is no exact size for the canvas. Since this is going to be displayed on screen, not for printing, we can go with 1.000 pixels × 1.000 pixels. Click the OK button to accept the new file settings.

Step 2: Drawing The White Keys
There are two type of keys in the keyboard, white keys and black keys. We are going to organize them in separate group layer. The layers used in a Photoshop project could be countless and it’s always a good idea to incorporate layers group. Hit the new group layer icon and name it white key

Step 3
Activate The Rounded Rectangle Tool and set its Radius to 5 px. Set #f9f9f9 for its Fill Color and none for its Stroke.

Step 4
Double click the rounded rectangle layer to add Layer Styles. We will use lots of layer styles to turn the shape from flat 2D into 3D shape. Use the following setting to add Bevel & Emboss into the shape. Below, you can see the effect of this layer style to the shape.

Step 5
We’re still working on the same rounded rectangle. We now want to add Inner Shadow. The setting shown below will add dark shadow on top of the shape.

Step 6
Click the plus icon next to the Inner Shadow text to add another instance of Inner Shadow layer style to the shape. This time we will add highlight to left side of the shape. As seen in the below settings, we use white for its color with distance and size 3 px.

Step 7
Check out the result below. Compare the difference before and after the addition of Inner Shadow. There is a bit of shadow on left side of the rounded rectangle. The effect is very subtle, you might not notice it at a glance. One of the glaring mistakes made by those just started to learn Photoshop is using too much Layer Styles. The key here is moderation.

Step 8
Add another instance of Inner Shadow. This time we add dark shadow from the top. The shadow size used here is big enough to darken the shape.

Step 9
Add another instance of Inner Shadow, this time to strengthen the shadow on top of the rounded rectangle.

Step 10
Add another Inner Shadow. Use the following settings to darken the bottom of the white key.

Step 11
Activate Inner Glow using the following settings to add highlight along the edge of the key.

Step 12
for added realism to the appearance of the white keys, I always keen on adding gradient. Activate Gradient Overlay and then select gray to white gradient from the available preset with 90° angle.

Step 13
This is the layer and styles we have added. You don’t have to follow this exact same setting. I encourage you to experiment with the layer style settings because the most important thing is getting the right result. A few differences in the layer settings here and there won’t hurt.

Step 14
The white keys is done. We need a few more keys. Off course, it would be easier to just copy the existing white key rather than made another from scratch. Using The Move Tool, drag the white key while holding the Alt key. Make sure to add 2 px gap between each white key. To do this, you can snap the edge of the key to the other and then hit the arrow key twice to move it 2 px.

Step 15
Repeat the previous steps to add another white key.

Step 16: Drawing The Black Keys
We’ve done drawing the white keys. Befre moving on to drawing the dark key, we need to draw the hole behind it. This is started by a rounded rectangle with 2 px radius. Set #262626 as its color. Regarding its placement, it should noticed that black key is not always positioned in the middle of two white keys. For a three set of black keys in a row, only the middle one is on the center of the white keys. The other is off center, a bit to the right or to the left, depending on its position

Step 17
Double click its layer and add Inner Shadow with the following settings.

Step 18
A darker shadow appears at the lower end of the shape.

Step 19
Add Gradient Overlay to the layer. This time choose a black to white gradient with an angle of 90°.

Step 20
We will get a slight lighter color on the bottom of the shape.

Step 21
Now, add Drop Shadow to the layer.

Step 22
The making of black keys is far more complex than the white keys. They are raised above the white keys. This means that their 3D appearance have to be more believable. Their shadows should be darker with stronger highlight. To do this we need more than just one layer. Start by duplicating the hole layer. Hit Ctrl + J. We won’t need its Layer Style. To remove them, drag the fx icon next to the layer’s name onto the trash icon.

Step 23
The key obviously needs to be a bit smaller than the hole behind it. Select the left side of the shape using The Direct Selection Tool. Hit right key once to move the left side 1 pixel to the right.

Step 24
As seen below, the gap between the shape and the hole behind it should be 1 px. Repeat the same to the right side of the shape, moving it 1 px to the left, and to the lower part of the shape, moving it 1 px up.

Step 25
Double click the layer to add Layer Style. Activate Stroke and add 1 px black line with Inside selected.

Step 26
Add another style, Inner Shadow. Set its angle to -90° with black color and 5 px distance.

Step 27
You will get slightly dark shade on the bottom of the key.

Step 28
Apply a strong Gradient Overlay. Use white to black gradient, Reflected, and 0° angle. This gradient will raise the key surface.

Step 29
Add Drop Shadow. The angle of the light source should be 130°. Set its Distance to 5 px and Opacity: 40%.

Step 30
We want to strengthen the shadow by adding another instance of Drop Shadow. Click the plus icon next to the previous Drop Shadow style. Use same angle, but reduce the Opacity to 25% and increase its Distance to 10 px. The shadow will be farther and has softer edge.

Step 31
Again, we want to add another instance of Drop Shadow. Click the plus icon to duplicate the previous style and increase its Distance while reducing its Opacity.

Step 32
As seen below, I ended up with 6 instances of Drop Shadow. They all using the same angle with increasing Distance and decreasing Opacity.

Step 33
We need another shape. Add a rounded rectangle and put it at the bottom of the key. Its color should be #333132.

Step 34
Select its upper part using The Direct Selection Tool.

Step 35
Hit Ctrl + T to transform the selected points. Hold Alt while pulling those transformation closer to its center.

Step 36
Double click its layer to add style. In the dialog box, activate Inner Shadow with the following settings.

Step 37
When zoomed, you will find a darker shade on its end.

Step 38
Add Inner Glow.

Step 39
Soft dark shape will appears at the edge of the shape.

Step 40
Add Gradient Overlay to add highlight at the end of the key.

Step 41
Add Drop Shadow to the layer.

Step 42
We now need to add upper side of the black key. Draw another rounded rectangle, this time it needs to be thinner and shorter. Use #131313 for its color.

Step 43
Double click the layer and then add Inner Shadow. Set black for its color with an angle of 23°. This will add line inside the shape which our eyes perceived as a shadow on its edge.

Step 44
We also need highlight. To have it, we use the same Inner Shadow but this time we use white and change its angle to the opposite side.

Step 45
Add Gradient Overlay to the shape. The gradient used here is black to white with an angle of 90°.

Step 46
Add second Gradient Overlay to the shape. The gradient is black to white with an angle of 0°.

Step 47
Both Gradient Overlay add lighting to the shape and make it a bit more realistic.

Step 48
Add Drop Shadow.

Step 49
The white key has been made but it’s just not quite good enough. We still need to tweak its lighting, such as adding reflection or highlight and shadow. Add a new layer and draw a straight 1 px white line using The Pencil Tool.

Step 50
Add mask to the layer by clicking the rectangle and circle icon on lower part of the Layers Panel.

Step 51
Make sure foreground color is black. Paint lower part of the line using big and soft brush tool.

Step 52
Painted areas will be hidden and leave us a nice soft highlight on the key’s edge. To make it even softer, reduce its layer Opacity.

Step 53
Let’s add a soft highlight. It’s easy. To help you see the creation process better, we’ll show it on a black background. Make new layer for the highlight. Draw a thin elliptical selection and then fill it with white. Deselect (Ctrl + D). Apply blur from the menu Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur.

Step 54
If needed, we can erase its edge using big soft Eraser Tool.

Step 55
Move the newly created highlight on the edge of the key. The placement must be consistent for it to be realistic. In this case, the light sources comes from top left corner, so make sure to place every highlight on left side of the object with its upper part stronger than its bottom.

Step 56
We use the same process but uses black to create shadow. Fill an elliptical selection with black. Deselect and then soften it by applying Gaussian Blur filter.

Step 57
Just like the highlight, you need to put the shadow on the right spot. Because in this case the light source comes from the top left, you need to put the shadow to the right.

Step 58
Light bounces onto several areas. Just because the light source is located at the right side doesn’t mean that every highlight will always be on that side and shadow always be on the other side. Add layers and then add small amount of highlight on the opposite side next to the shadow. But remember, don’t overuse it. In the image below, I drew a small soft white dot using The Brush Tool on the right top corner of the key. Feel free to add another highlight to your liking.

Step 59: Drawing The Piano Keys Case
We’re done with the keys, both the black or the white one. We now working on the casing of the keyboard. For better layer organization, make new group layer and place it underneath all the other group layers.

Step 60
Add a rounded rectangle. Use #363636 for its color. It should be big enough to cover all the keys.

Step 61
Add Bevel & Emboss to the layer.

Step 62
The style will add dark shade on top of the rounded rectangle.

Step 63
Add Gradient Overlay. We want to make custom gradient here. Click the gradient preview to open the gradient editor.

Step 64
In the next dialog box, create gradient as seen below. You don’t have to be very exact. The main goal is you want to have soft highlight on upper part of the rounded rectangle. See the image below to see the result we’re looking for.

Step 65
Add another Gradient Overlay. This time use black to white gradient with an angle of 0°.

Step 66
Add the last layer style, Drop Shadow. Use the following settings.

Step 67
Add new layer. Make a soft highlight using technique explained earlier.

Step 68
Reduce Opacity of the highlight layer to keep the result subtle.

Step 69
Manually, draw some whit straight lines as stronger highlights using The Pencil Tool.

Step 70
We also need to add a rounded rectangle behind the keyboard.

Step 71
Apply Drop Shadow to the layer.

Step 72
So far, we have done an excellent job. But, there’re still more steps to ensure the result to be as realistic as possible. Add new layer and then activateThe Brush Tool. Select big and soft brush tip. Set foreground color to black and then dab once above the black key.

Step 73
What we just did is adding a soft shadow on the piano case casted from the black key. It’s very subtle, most may not notice it, but it added a nice touch of realism into the drawing.

Step 74
Here’s one more extra step to make it look like a million dollars. Add a new layer and place it above the black key.

Step 75
Use The Polygonal Lasso Selection Tool and then draw a triangle selection above the gap between the two white keys.

Step 76
Fill the selection with black.

Step 77
This serves as a reflection of the gap between the white keys on the surfaces of the black key. Very subtle but also add another level of realism to the drawing.

Step 78
In the Layers Panel, select the group layer for the black key and its reflection. Using The Move Tool, hold Alt key and then drag to duplicate the black key. The middle black key should be placed right between the two white keys underneath it.

Step 79
Make sure to adjust the position of the reflection of gap between the white keys. It should be right on top of the gap.

Step 80
Duplicate again to produce the third black key.

Step 81
Its easy to forget the small details. Make sure you don’t forget to add cast shadow on top of all the black keys.

We’re done with the drawing. Using the same principles, you can duplicate the key to build a complete keyboard if you want to. I wish you learn one or two tricks from this simple Photoshop tutorial. As you can see, there’s no need to go big with layer style. A subtle effect of layer style is all you need to make a realistic drawing. If you have any question, feel free to put it in the comment section below. Thank you for reading. Do join us again for another drawing tutorial.