Draw Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop

In this tutorial, we will start by making simple shapes using vector tools in Photoshop and paint them over to draw a realistic Apple Watch.

In this tutorial, we will start by making simple shapes using vector tools in Photoshop and paint them over to draw a realistic Apple Watch. The very first step, of course is searching for references, lots of references. Your main reference should be the official photo or image from Apple itself. Other than that, it will be very helpful if you can take a look at the watch directly. If you can’t, search for its photos or videos. You can get lots of it from marketplace or gadget review.


Below is the final result.

Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - Final Result

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Step 1: Blank Canvas

As the title said, from scratch. We start by making an empty file (Ctrl + N) in Photoshop. No need to worry about the canvas size, you can crop it later. No need to worry about the background color option, it can be easily changed. Just click the OK button.

Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 2: Background Color

We are going to do a lot of manual brushing, most of them are very subtle. I prefer to use a vibrant color for the background because it helps us in examining every pixel resulted from brush stroke. From the lower part of the Layers Panel, click the Add Adjustment Layer icon and select Solid Color. You can choose any bright color, from red, blue, yellow, pink, or purple. It doesn’t matter. Obviously, we are not going to use this background color in the end since it will be terrible, but for now we will need it.

Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 3: Drawing Shapes

Before going further, below is the basic anatomy of the apple watch. We are going to draw each part one by one using the vector tool in Photoshop and then paint highlight and shadow to make it realistic.

Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - Apple Watch anatomy

The Apple watch is mainly made of rounded rectangle. Use The Rounded Rectangle Tool and then click and drag to draw a black rounded rectangle shape. Remember to select Shape mode to turn the shape into layer shape. This shape will be the watch’s main case.

Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 4

We are going to draw the watch at an angle. This is a bit tricky because you need to understand the perspective in drawing. In this case, we will need to transform the main shape to fit the angle. Hit Ctrl + T, right click and select Distort. Distort allow us to transform each side independently.

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Step 5

Pull the middle right handle down until you get the desired angle.

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Step 6

We also need to reconfigure the curve by clicking and dragging the point and its handle. The corner of the watch that is further from the viewer needs to be less round than the one closer to the viewer.

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Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 7

We also need to reposition the bottom corner to match the contact area between the watch and the ground. In this case, because the viewer is above the watch, the bottom side of the shape should be slightly longer than the top.

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Step 8

The watch’s active screen is surrounded by thin black lines. Duplicate the earlier shape (Ctrl + J) and then make it smaller by applying transformation (Ctrl + T). Due to the perspective, you will have to manually reposition the points and readjusting the curve so that left and bottom line are thinner than the rest. You can use any color here because in the end it will be covered by a screen image. I use red here because it makes the shape easier to see, that’s all.

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Step 9

Draw another rounded rectangle for its lugs. This one should be bigger and placed underneath the case and the screen shape. Fr its color, set it to dark gray.

Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 10

Using The Pen Tool, draw the strap manually. I find it easier to separate the front-top strap and its rear. For its color, use light gray.

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Step 11

Fill the empty hole behind the strap. Its color should be lighter than the front strap.

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Step 12: Adding Layer Style

We are done drawing the basic shape and will move on to adding lighting and paint the shadows. Before painting manually using The Brush Tool, I usually start with adding Layer Style. Double click the lugs layer shape in The Layers Panel and then activate Inner Shadow to add subtle shadow along the shape’s top right edge.

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Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 13

Activate Inner Glow with black color to strengthen the shadows.

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Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 14

Activate Gradient Overlay. Use standard black to white color gradient and set The Angle value to darken the lower part of the lugs.

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Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 15

Finally, activate Outer Glow to add a bit of white glow because the alumunium is naturally reflecting light.

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Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 16

Select the case layer shape. Double click the layer in The Layers Panel and activate Gradient Overlay. Use black to white gradient. The result will be very subtle but nonetheless the surface is not so flat now .

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Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 17

Add another Gradient Overlay. This time to the front strap.

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Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 18: Draw The Pusher

We are still missing the crown and the pusher. The pusher is the button on the side of the watch. There are two pusher on the watch, a long one and a circular one. For the long one, it can be made simply from a rounded rectangle. Draw it using The Rounded Rectangle tool. Click and drag and set its color to gray.

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Step 19

Hit Ctrl + T and then click and drag outside the transformation bounding box to rotate it. Make sure it is aligned to the lugs.

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Step 20

Before confirming the transformation, right click and then select Distort.

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Step 21

Pull one of the side of the shape until it matches the lug surface.

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Step 22

Hit Enter to confirm the transformation. A dialog box might shown up and asking for confirmation. Just click Yes.

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Step 23

We may also need to edit the curvature. Do this using The Direct Selection Tool.

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Step 24

Like the rest of the shapes, we will add layer style. Double click the layer in The Layers Panel and then activate Stroke. Use setting similar to the one seen below to produce a subtle line along the shape, just enough to differenciate the pusher’s edge from the lugs shape underneath it.

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Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 25

Add Inner Shadow to lift the button slightly higher than the rest of the lugs’ surface.

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Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 26

The pusher itself should have bevel effect. We can do this by adding Gradient Overlay. Use the standard white to black gradient. The Angle value must be set to make the lower part of the push lighter.

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Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 27

Finally, we want to add glow to the pusher because it reflects light.

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Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 28

We will modify the lugs by adding some shadows and highlights. Tune down the pusher Fill value to make it transparent without reducing its layer styles. Otherwise, the lugs will be covered by the pusher and disrupting the continuity of shadows and highlights.

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Step 29

Draw another rounded rectangle shape for the other pusher. This one should be much smaller. Add the same layer styles to this pusher.

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Step 30

We also want to reduce its Fill to 20%, just as the previous one.

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Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 31: Draw The Crown

A crown is essentially made from stacks of ellipses. Start by drawing one using The Ellipse Tool. Set its color to red.

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Step 32

Hit Ctrl + T and rotate it.

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Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 33

Add another ellipse. The ellipse should have the same angle as the prevoius shape, but a bit bigger. It’s easier to just duplicate it by hitting Ctrl + J.This time set its color to gray and then place it underneath the previous shape.

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Step 34

Add another ellipse. This time above the red ellipse. Set its color to darker gray.

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Step 35

This shape is the topmost part of the crown and it will received most light than the rest. Therefore, it will need to have color gradient. Double click the layer in The Layers Panel and then activate Gradient Overlay. Set the gradient from black to white and dial the Angle value to match the light source position.

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Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 36

Now we have to draw the rest of the crown. The bottom of the crown is made of ellipse. It should be placed underneath all other parts of the crown.

Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 37

Activate The Rectangle Tool. Hold Shift and then click and drag to add a rectangle connecting the bottom to the rest part of the crown. This shape should have darker gray color.

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Step 38

We have finished drawing the basic shape. Next, time to add shadows and highlights.

Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 39: Painting Shadows and Highlights

We are now getting to the most boring part of the work, painting the shadows and highlights. The workflow is as follow: add a new layer on top of the shape, set it as clipping mask and then paint white for highlight and black for shadow.

Below is the layer structure for the case shape. I am going to remove some of the watch part to help us focus to the painting technique. Add a new layer on top of the shape and then hit Ctrl + Alt + G to convert it into a clipping mask. Anything you paint in this layer will goes inside the shape underneath it.

Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 40

Activate The Brush Layer and then paint white on top right corner of the case. We want the brush stroke to be very soft which can be achieved by right clicking and setting the brush’s Hardness to 0%. Set the brush’s Opacity to 50% from the Options Bar to make each stroke transparent.

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Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 41

Just one stroke brush is never brush. You need lots of stroke brush. I suggest adding new layer every time you paint. Make sure to make it a clipping mask (Ctrl + Alt + G) and play around with its layer Opacity setting to increase or decrease the stroke appearance.

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Step 42

Keep on painting. This time use smaller brush but with bigger Hardness.

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Step 43

We are moving to the screen area. To simplify layer management, place the part layers and its related shadow-highlight inside a group layer. In this case, the screen layer is placed inside the screen group layer.

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Step 44

I don’t know the exact size of the Apple Watch screen resolution. But, some blogs stated that the size is about 400 pixels × 490 pixels. Let’s make a new file to design the screen content.

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Step 45

Put some texts and pictures into the new file and then save it.

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Step 46

Let’s return to the apple watch file. Click File > Place Linked and then select the screen file we have just made.

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Step 47

Rotate and transform the screen image until it fits the watch perspective.

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Step 48

Hit Ctrl + Alt + G to place the image inside the boundary of the screen.

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Step 49

Because we use the Place Linked command, not the simple copy paste mechanism, the image can be easily edited. All you need is just double clicking the layer to open the image file, edit and save it to have the image automatically updated.

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Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 50

Add new layer and then fill it with white to black gradient using The Gradient Tool.

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Step 51

Set the layer’s blend mode to Overlay and reduce its Opacity. The top part of the screen should be lighter and the bottom part darker. If inverted, maybe the direction of the gradient is incorrect.

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Step 52

Convert the layer into clipping mask by hitting Ctrl + Alt + G. This way the gradient only effect the screen.

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Step 53

We’re done with the screen. Time to move on to the lugs. Place the lugs layer in a separate group layer. Remember that it has to be underneath the case.

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Step 54

We are going to manually paint highlight. But, we can speed this process by bringin real life texture. I found a good one from pexels. Download the file and then place the image inside into our file.

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Step 55

Hit Ctrl + T to transform the texture.Right click and select Warp. The texture will be divided into several grids. Drag the grids until we have nice reflection on the top right of the lugs.

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Step 56

From The Layers Panel, set its blending mode to Overlay.

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Step 57

Click Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur to soften the image.

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Step 58

We want the reflection to be displayed only inside the lugs. Set the layer to Clipping Mask using the Ctrl + Alt + G keys combination.

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Step 59

I like the reflection but still want to add more details. Make a new layer above the reflection image and then paint black and white using soft Brush Tool. From the Options Bar, reduce its Opacity to about 30% and right click to make sure the Hardness is set to 0%.

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Step 60

Just like the reflection image, we want the brush stroke to be inside the lugs by making it a Clipping Mask.

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Step 61

Add another highlight. This time use stronger brush with bigger Hardness.

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Step 62

Add new layer. Hold Ctrl and then click the thumbnail layer of the case to make a new selection based on its shape.

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Step 63

Click Edit > Stroke. Set the Width to 2 px with white color. Click the OK button to draw white line along the selection.

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Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 64

Soften the line by applying the Gaussian Blur filter. You can find it in Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur.

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Step 65

Activate The Eraser Tool and then erase most of the soft line we have made, leave only the one on the top right corner.

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Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 66

Add another soft line along the case using the same technique. This time make it thinner and sharper by using smaller Radius in the Gaussian Blur filter.

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Step 67

Repeat the last time, add another soft line, this one much thinner. Reduce the layer’s Opacity to keep it subtle. Dab white a few times using big and soft Brush Tool on the light reflection at the edge of the case to add light glows.

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Step 68

Okay, let’s move on to the strap. Place it inside a dedicated group layer to keep all the layers structured.

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Step 69

Make a new layer above the strap layer. Hold Ctrl and then click the strap thumbnail layer.

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Step 70

Click Edit > Stroke or activate The Marquee Tool then right click and select Stroke. In the Stroke dialog box set the Width to 4 px. For the color, select black. We are going to paint shadow along the strap’s edge.

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Step 71

Apply Gaussian Blur filter to soften the line. You can find it inside the menu Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur.

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Step 72

Add mask to the layer by clicking on the Add Layer Mask icon at the lower part of the Layers Panel. Fill the mask with black using Edit > Fill with Black for its Contents. By filling the mask with black all the soft black stroke will be hidden. Using big soft brush, paint lower part of the strap with white to reveal the shadows.

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Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 73

Add new layer. Make selection based on the strap’s shape. Activate The Brush Tool and then paint shadow on part of the lugs that connected to the case.

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Step 74

Remove the selection using Ctrl + D. Activate The Move Tool and then hit Right Arrow once to move the shadow one pixel.

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Step 75

Reduce its layer’s Opacity to 20%. This subtle shadow will give the illusion of height. We will perceived that the lugs is a bit higher than the strap.

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Step 76

It’s not yet finished tough. We need to add another highlight next to the shadow to complete the result. Use soft brush to paint this soft white line.

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Step 77

Reduce the layer’s Opacity to make the highlight appears subtle. You may notice that there is dark glow on the lower part of the watch. This dark glow is what is left from the shadow we add to the lower part of the strap. We can erase it using The Eraser Tool, but there is an easier way to do it.

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Step 78

We can just simply make all the layers a clipping mask to the straps layer. Every pixel in the layers will stay in the straps.

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Step 79

Now it’s time to paint the strap’s highlight. Using soft and big brush tool, paint white on upper part of the highlight. No need to be cautious, a sloppy brush stroke will do the job.

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Step 80

Make sure to convert the layer into Clipping Mask, either using shortcut Ctrl + Alt + G or Alt – clicking the line between the layers.

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Step 81

Make a new layer and set it to Clipping Mask. Paint a black soft line on upper portion of the strap.

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Step 82

If you still want to add more details, add another layer and go paint more black or white for shadows and highlights.

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Step 83

Time to work on the rear side of the strap. Place the layer inside a group layer.

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Step 84

Ctrl – click the strap thumbnail to make a new selection based its shape;.

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Step 85

Make new layer and convert it to Clipping Mask.

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Step 86

Click Edit > Stroke, set its color to black.

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Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 87

Apply Gaussian Blur to soften the line. Make to sure to add enough Radius in the dialog box until the line is really soft.

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Step 88

Add layer mask and then paint all the shadow except the one on the top. If you want to, you can just delete them using The Eraser Tool. But, you won’t be able to recover it at later time. By using mask, you revisit this layer anytime and paint another black or white to hide or show more shadows.

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Step 89

Reduce the layer’s Opacity.

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Step 90

If needed, you can add more shadows in a new separate layer.

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Step 91

We’re continuing to the crown. Make sure to put all the layers inside a group layer. The crown needs to be placed on top of all the layers.

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Step 92

Make a new layer and place it underneath all the crown layers. Draw a black curve for the crown’s shadow on the lugs.

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Step 93

Add new layer and place it above all the other crown layers. This time, paint white to add highlight onto the top of the crown.

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Step 94

Make another new layer. This time, place it above all the crown layers. Make a thin vertical selection, about 2 px width, using The Rectangular Marquee.

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Step 95

Fill the selection with black. You can use the Fill command from the Edit > Fill menu or hit D then Alt + Delete.

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Step 96

Select the line we have just made using the Rectangular Marquee Tool.

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Step 97

Activate The Move Tool and then drag while holding the Ctrl key to duplicate it. Move it 4 px to the right.

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Step 98

Continue making another duplicate lines.

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Step 99

Keep on duplicating the lines until the side of the crown that faces us is covered with this lines.

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Step 100

Alt – click the Add Layer Mask icon to add mask filled with black. This mask will hide every pixel inside the layer. We then need to paint white on the side of the crown to reveal the lines.

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Step 101

The lines should appear like this.

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Step 102

Now duplicate the thin lines layer we have just made using Ctrl + J. Select the layer’s thumbnail, not the mask but the layer, and then hit Ctrl + I to invert the lines’ color to white. Activate The Move Tool and then hit left arrow twice to move the white lines 2 pixels to the left. We will end up with a n illuision of bevel effect on the crown surface.

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Step 103

In the Layers Panel, reduce its layer Opacity. Set it to about 50%.

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Step 104

We also want to add bevel on the top side of the crown. Using The Brush Tool with 1 px brush size, draw thin lines toward the top center of the crown. Remember that you can easily change the brush by right clicking anywhere on the canvas. I need to remind you again, you should put the new drawing in separate layer. This way, you can easily edit it without ruining the previous drawing.

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Step 105

Add new layer and then paint short white line on the surface of the crown. This will be a light reflection.

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Step 106

I personally want to fix the crown’s shadow on the lugs by painting black right underneath it.

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Step 107

Next to the shadow, I think there should be a bit of metal reflection on the lugs surface. To do this, I add a new layer and then paint white using soft brush.

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Step 108

So far, this is what we have. We are done with almost all the parts, except two buttons at the side of the crown.

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Step 109

Bring back the pushers and place them inside a dedicated group layer.

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Step 110

We are going to paint shadow and highlight for the buttons. Hit Ctrl and then click the pusher thumbnail. Add another selection from the other pusher by Shift + Ctrl – clicking its thumbnail.

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Step 111

Add new layer for the new shadow we are going to paint. Click Edit > Stroke. Set the Color to Black and then click OK.

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Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - screenshot

Step 112

Make sure none of the stroke lines are outside the lugs. Here, I found it happen to a part of the line so I erased it.

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Step 113

Reduce the layer’s Opacity.

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Step 114

After adding shadow, we’re going to add highlight next to it. Duplicate the shadow layer, hit Ctrl + J. Change the color of the line into white by simply hitting the Ctrl + I combination keys. Hit Up Arrow and then Right Arrow once to move the line up and right 1 pixel.

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Step 115

We are approaching the final part of the tutorial. Place a background image underneath the watch. Here, I use a cloth texture from pexels. Tone down the texture by reducing its layer Opacity to reveal the solid color behind it. We no longer need bright color for the background, so make sure to change the background color fill layer to white.

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Step 116

To change the contrast of the background image, we will use the Levels command. Click the Add Adjustment Layer icon and select Levels.

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Step 117

Pull the black or white triangle closer to the center of the graph to increase the image’s contrast.

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Step 118

The Levels adjustment layer is accompanied with a mask. This mask works just like an ordinary layer mask. Black will reveal the effects of Levels, white will conceal it, and gray will be in-between. Add gradient from white to black using The Gradient Tool. We want to increase the contrast for textures placed closer to the watch. The angle should match the floor surface.

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Step 119

Duplicate the original texture layer (Ctrl + J) and place it above the Levels adjustment layer.

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Step 120

Apply Gaussian Blur with enough radius to blur the texture.

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Step 121

Add layer mask. Add black to white gradient into the mask. The furthest texture should be blurry. We are aiming to simulate depth of field in a camera.

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Step 122

Add new layer for the watch’s shadow on the floor. It should be placed right above the background.

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Step 123

Hide the background by clicking on the eye icon of its group layer. Hit Ctrl + Shift + E to merge all visible pixels into the selected layer.

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Step 124

Hit D, then X, then Ctrl + Shift + Delete. The first key, D, will set the foreground color to black. The second key, X, will swap the foreground and background color, setting the background color to black. The last key, Ctrl + Shift + Delete, will fill all pixels in the layer with the foreground color, making them black. You can not see them in the canvas because they are covered by layers of watch parts.

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Step 125

Apply the Gaussian Blur filter.

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Step 126

Bring back the background layers. We have shadows surrounding all parts of the watch. Clearly, we don’t want some of those shadows.

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Step 127

Hold Alt and then click theAdd Layer Mask icon to hide all the shadows.

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Step 128

Paint white on some part of the shadow where the watch touches the floor surface.

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Step 129

Add new layer and then add the remaining shadow.

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Step 130

Add black mask to the layer shadow and paint white onto the shadow using transparent Brush Tool to reveal only a small amount of shadow.

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Final Result

Here’s our final result. I have describe almost all the steps needed to draw this watch in details. However, you can still improve the final image. For example, you can use smart object for the texture. This way, you can easily change the background. Wanna put the watch on a concrete floor? Easy, just edit the smart object and change the texture. You can also add Color Balance adjustment layer to the strap which will allows you to change its color. Finally, I hope you like the final result. If you still have question, feel free to ask in the comment below. Thank you for reading this long tutorial until the end.

Draw a Realistic Apple Watch from Scratch in Photoshop - Final Result