Photoshop’s feather tool is a game-changer for creating soft, blended edges. Let’s dive into how to feather edges in Photoshop and make your designs pop!
What is Feathering?
Feathering softens the edges of a selection. It’s great for blending images or creating special effects. Moreover, it’s easy to use!
Based on softness, smoothness, or hardness, we can create many different kinds of designs and even combine both! While implementing your creative ideas, you may encounter the task of blurring the edges without affecting the entire image.

What You’ll be Creating
In most cases, we use Photoshop feather settings for simple collaging and stylized effects. Use them when creating patterns or combining different images. A soft-edged or feathered selection is useful for special effects like a glow or shadow, or for delicately blending a foreground image into a background. Less intensity is used in photo manipulation and designs that require realism.
Tutorial Resources
- Flowers in Woven Basket Photo by Hai Tran on Unsplash
You can define feathering for the Marquee Tool (M), the Lasso Tool (L), the Polygonal Lasso Tool, or the Magnetic Lasso Tool. As you use the tool, you can also add feathering to an existing selection. First, pick the desired tool and set the Feather parameter to your desired number of pixels in the top settings panel.
That value defines the width of the feathered edge and can range from 0 to 1000 pixels. After that, make a selection. The feathering effects become clear only after you move, cut, copy, or fill the selection.

An alternative way is to use the Feather command. Make a selection in any desired way. Then go to Select > Modify > Feather or use the keyboard shortcut Shift + F6. In the dialog box, specify the Feather Radius in pixels and click “OK” to apply changes.
The checkbox “Apply effect at canvas bounds” works when the selection touches the borders of the working field and smooths it. There is no preview of this effect. After separating the content into a new layer, you can see that the hard edge becomes softer.

A small selection made with a large Feather radius may cause an error. If you see the message “No pixels are more than 50% selected,” either decrease the feather radius or increase the size of your selection. This happens because edges are invisible and thus not selectable.
However, if you click OK, the selection is still there; it will just be less noticeable, so you might not see the edges. You can deselect (Cmd/Ctrl + D or go to Select > Deselect) and start over or use it as it is.

Blur and Softening Edge
To create a soft transition from one image to another or better combine an image with a background without a noticeable edge (but not blur all contents), simply make a selection of the desired object using any of the tools mentioned earlier from the toolbar on the left. After that, set the optimal Feather value in the top toolbar settings and create your selection.
Separate the content of the selected area into a new layer. You can do this in many ways: create a new layer (Layer > New) and then use Edit > Copy/Paste commands. I prefer using the keyboard shortcut Cmd/Ctrl + J to duplicate content onto a new layer without modifying the original image.

Creating Special Effects
If you want to create a halo effect, shadow, or soft stroke around an already separated object, load the selection by clicking on the layer or mask while holding Cmd/Ctrl on your keyboard. Go to Select > Modify > Feather or use the keyboard shortcut Shift + F6.
Set an appropriate Feather Radius value in pixels and click “OK” to modify the edge of your selection.

Create a new layer (Cmd/Ctrl + Opt/Alt + Shift + N) under the original object layer. Next, apply fill with your desired content such as gradient, solid color, pattern, etc., or use it as a mask for another layer.
Keep in mind that in some cases, it may be more convenient to use layer styles than this method.

This feature is very convenient when creating a vignette. Add a new layer at the top of the layer stack in the Layers Panel (Cmd/Ctrl + Opt/Alt + Shift + N). Pick either the Elliptical Marquee Tool (M) or Lasso Tool (L) and set your desired Feather value in the top bar.
Create an oval or any other shape selection inside your working field. Vignettes work well with larger Feather values because they create softer transitions. Invert your selection (Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + I or go to Select > Inverse) to grab the area outside your selection. Fill this selection (Shift + F5 or go to Edit > Fill) with a solid color or shades of light or dark.
You can also use Paint Bucket Tool or Gradient Tool (G). On the Layers panel, reduce that layer’s Opacity value to achieve your desired result. Change blending mode to “Multiply” for darks or “Lighten” for lights – or try another option. Now your vignette is ready!

Photo Manipulation
In creating photo-realistic art, use smaller feather values to better integrate each new fragment into your composition. This may seem strange because sharp/hard edges and accurate selections are usually preferred; however, slightly blurred edges around 0.1 – 3 pixels help combine fragments effectively.
Super hard edges can become an issue or produce artifacts. Look at your entire piece; overly hard edges can divide silhouettes of introduced fragments—especially if your background is blurry or has depth of field (DOF).
These considerations relate to preferences and quality as well as more subtle work. The results are best judged at high zoom levels of your piece. The idea of keeping all edges of selections as sharp as possible is common among beginners; however, only with time, practice, and observation can you learn how to effectively use and control this technique.

Alternative Ways
Do you often work with layer masks? You can access layer mask settings by double-clicking on the mask thumbnail and clicking “View Properties” (Window > Properties). In this panel, set your desired value for the Feather slider until you achieve your desired result. You can always return and change this value if needed.
While working with masks, you can apply any type of blur through the Filter menu or use Blur Tool and Smudge Tool from the toolbar. You can completely imitate feathering behaviour in Quick Mask Mode (Q) by using tools, filters, and soft brushes.

Be creative and make use of these techniques in your projects without overdoing it; excessive feathering can simplify designs too much. Combine approaches and styles to create art that is both stylish and beautiful. Choose methods that best solve your goals and tasks.
Often, this function works well in combination with other functions found in Select > Modify menu options. Do not hesitate to explore beyond software limitations, styles, and genres. Most importantly – don’t hesitate to create and experiment!
Thank you for your attention, and good luck with your creative projects! If you have something to add or ask, please use the comment section below! Feel free to let me know if you need any further adjustments!

Further Readings
How to Feather Edges in Photoshop: Step-By-Step Tutorial – TourBox
This tutorial provides a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to feather edges in Photoshop, including various methods and tips for achieving a natural blend. It covers the basics of feathering and offers practical advice for using this technique effectively.
Read more here
How to Feather Edges in Adobe Photoshop in 4 Simple Steps – Shotkit
This article outlines four simple steps to feather edges in Photoshop, making it easy to follow for beginners. It includes visual aids and clear instructions on using the Select and Mask feature to achieve feathered edges.
Explore the tutorial
How to Feather Edges in Photoshop – YouTube
This video tutorial demonstrates different ways to create feathered edges in Photoshop, providing a visual learning experience. It covers techniques like using the Select and Mask tool and applying adjustments for a smoother blend.
Watch the video