How to Change Eye Colour in Newer & Older Photoshop Versions

Want to masterfully change eye colour in Photoshop? Our tutorial unveils two methods for both new & older versions, giving you stunning results.

Looking to achieve a captivating new look in your portraits? Mastering how to change eye colour in Photoshop is a powerful editing technique. Whether you’re using a recent version with Camera Raw or an older version with traditional methods, this guide will show you how to achieve stunning results.

Method 1: Effortless How to Change Eye Colour with Camera Raw Filter

Camera Raw offers a streamlined approach to how to change eye colour. Here’s how:

Access Camera Raw:

Navigate to Filter > Filter Gallery (or Camera Raw Filter depending on your version). Alternatively, with your image open, press Shift + Ctrl + A (Windows) or Shift + Command + A (Mac) for a direct jump.

Target the Iris

Select the Targeted Adjustment Tool (eye dropper icon) from the Toolbar. Zoom in on the eye for precision and click directly on the iris to set the target area.

Adjust Eye Colour

In the right-hand panel under the Basic tab, play with the Hue slider to change eye colour. The Saturation slider controls the intensity of the new colour.

Refine the Selection (Optional)

If needed, use the Brush Tool (B) to paint with black on the mask (overlay displayed on the image) to remove the adjustment from unwanted areas like eyelashes or eyelids. White paints the adjustment back in.

Fine-tune Highlights & Shadows (Optional)

Changing eye colour can sometimes affect highlights and shadows. Use the Highlights and Shadows sliders under the Basic tab for adjustments.

Apply Changes

Click OK in the Camera Raw window to apply the new eye colour to your image.

Method 2: Traditional Method for Classic Photoshop Users Looking to Change Eye Colour

For those using older Photoshop versions, the traditional method offers precise control over how to change eye colour.

Zoom In for Precision

Before selection, zoom in on the eye(s) for better control.

Select the Iris

Grab the Elliptical Marquee Tool (M) from the Toolbar. Carefully create an elliptical selection around the iris of one eye. Hold Shift while dragging to maintain a perfect circle.

Create a Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer

In the Layers panel (Window > Layers), click the Create new adjustment layer icon and select Hue/Saturation.

Made sure to tick “Colorize” option on the Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer property panel – this helps creating a more natural look:

Adjust Colour Vibrancy (Optional)

The Saturation slider controls the intensity of the new eye colour. Avoid over-saturation.

Refine with Brush Tool (Optional)

Select the Brush Tool (B) from the Toolbar. Set your brush foreground colour to black. Carefully paint on the mask to hide the colour adjustment from unwanted areas.

Flatten for Final Touches (Optional)

Once you’re happy, flatten the image by going to Layer > Flatten Image.

Bonus Tip

For extra realism, consider adding a new layer and painting subtle details like texture or veins back into the iris after the colour adjustment.

With these methods, you’ve unlocked the power to change eye colour in Photoshop! Remember, practice is key to mastering this technique. So, experiment with different colours and refine your skills to create captivating looks in your photos.

Further Readings