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Vexel art is a fascinating form of art that always intrigues me. Hugely difficult to create, yet the result can be extremely stunning. Vexel art sometimes can contain thousands of layers and requires hundreds of hours to make.

According to wikipedia: “Vexel is a neologism for an entirely pixel-based form of raster art that imitates the visual appearance of vector graphics technique (i.e. sharp-edged lines and areas of flat colour or smooth gradient fills). The word itself is a portmanteau derived from a combination of “vector” and “pixel.”

In this post, I will showcase 22 Beautiful Female Vexel Artworks Surely to Amaze You. They are of very high quality and definitely worth having a look.

Here goes the list, enjoy!

That’s it for this showcase! Hope you enjoy those works as much as I did. Till next time, have a great day!

Design a Dawn of War Style Concrete Text Effect in Photoshop
Imagination Unleashed: Best of PSD Vault DeviantART Group – Vol. 3