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Personally speaking, I love vintage textures – although we’re living in a high-tech society where everything is shining and glossy, sometimes we need a bit of old, ancient feeling to get a balance and taste the history. Not to mention if you’re working on a design project requiring the vintage touches, you will find those textures and Photoshop brushes extremely useful.
In this post, I will share my collection of 100+ Great Vintage Textures and Photoshop Brushsets to Decorate Your Design. Hopefully they will be of use to you and expand your own vintage collection.
Here goes the list, enjoy!
Pretty Things – icon texture 1 by ~manila-craze
Vintage III Texture Pack by =cloaks
vintage texture 1 by ~H-D-STOCK
15 textures: art + vintage by =jocosity
vintage diamonds by *DyingBeautyStock
Textures02 – Vintage Floral by ~crazymegan
Vintage Textures Pk1 by =inspyretash-stock
Cracked Wallpaper by ~AboveVintage
Vintage Grunge Texture Pack by =powerpuffjazz
Vintage Musk by ~AsunderStock
Photoshop Brushes
Old Postage Stamp Brushes
vintage grunge brushes by ~alex16
Vintage Images + Ephmera by ~akw04
11 brushes of vintage Harley-Davidson’s
1940 Cosmopolitan Brushes
Vintage Fractal Grunge Brushes by ~WebTreatsETC
Vintage Paper Brushes by ~fiftyfivepixels
Vintage Toys Photoshop Brushes by ~FidgetResources
Vintage Clocks-PS Brushes by ~fiftyfivepixels
Wanted Poster
Old Paper Brushes V by ~lailomeiel
That’s it for this post! Hopefully you will find those textures and brushes useful for your vintage design.
Until next time, have a great day!
Very nice collection indeed :)
I’d rather have it in one downloadable folder though.
but im just lazy XD
Great collection
beautifull textures!
lol @ bas
here are all textures in 1 pack :P
Great textures and brushes, thanks very much!
Good job, thanks so :)
beautiful work with art :)
Great compilation. Thanks for inspiring. Keep it going.
thanks for the dl link
Thank you! excellent tools for designs!
Great list, will going to be very useful while creating some innovative designs :)
Thanks for your helpfull information
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nice :)
muy buena pagina gracias por enseñar tutoriales tan avanzados
great things i loved all
ok i need some help, can anyone please help me.
how do you create the brushes on Photoshop?, i did it once but i forgot how you do it lol Please, Please help. Please e-mail me here, buffy@stu:twitter .aii.edu
great. Thanks :)
Hi, more old paper and vintage textures are here http://www.myfreetextures.com/45-free-old-paper-textures-and-parchment-paper-backgrounds/