In this tutorial, I will show you how you can quickly and effectively Create Fantasy Scene via Combining Landscape Images in Photoshop. Some steps can be a little tricky for beginners, but why not have a try!
Along the way, we will be using techniques such as layer blending options, masking, image adjustments, cloud rendering, custom brushsets, as well as various tools from the toolbox.
Here is a preview of the final effect we will be aiming to achieve: (click to enlarge)
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You will need the following stock to complete this tutorial:
OK let’s get started!
Step 1
Create a new document sized 900px * 1200px, leave the background colour as white, create a new layer on top of it called “sky gradient”, grab the gradient tool from the toolbox and fill this layer as shown below:
Create another layer and use a darker blue to do a gradient fill as shown below:
The reason I use two layers to create the gradient is to be able to adjust each layer seperately, should anything needs to be changed.
and you will have the following effect:
Create a new layer called “cloud”, and use the cloud brushes you download, paint some cloud on top of the gradient layers:
Create a new layer called “dirt”, use the dirt brushsets you downloaded, paint some dirt onto the canvas: (don’t paint too much, adjust the flow to around 20%)
Duplicate the dirt layer once and apply the following motion blur settings to the duplicated layer:
and you will have the following effect:
This is the overall effect so far:
Step 2
Now let’s add some grass field to the image. Load the “Grass field 1” image into Photoshop, select a portion of the grass as shown below:
Paste it onto our document, postion it to the bottom and use a soft brush to erase the top edge:
and here is the effect so far:
Load the “Grass Field 2” image into Photoshop, cut out the mountain portion as shown below: (in this tutorial, there is no need to make precise selection of the mountain)
Paste it onto our canvas, move it to the right side and use a soft erase tool to remove the edges, as shown below:
Duplicate this mountain once, flip it horizontally and move it to the left, resize if necessary:
and here is the effect so far:
Step 3
Load the “Lookout Tower” image into Photoshop, cut out the tower portion of the image and paste it onto our canvas as shown below:
Add the following layer mask to this layer to remove this edges of the mountain:
Add the following adjustment layer to this lookout tower layer, make sure you tick the “user previous layer as clipping mask” option:
Black and white
Colour Balance
Layer mask on Levels adjustment layer:
and you will have the following effect:
Step 4
Now let’s create a ray of light to shoot from the mountain. Create a new layer and use the rectangular tool to draw a selection and fill it with white colour:
Then apply the following Gaussian Blur settings:
Perspective this layer as shown below:
Use a soft brush eraser to remove the top and bottom of the light, as shown below: (Also reduce the layer opacity to around 80%)
Duplicate this layer a few times, adjust the sizes of the duplicated layers, and put them into groups as shown below:
Step 5
Now let’s add a floating rock to the image. Load the “mountain” stock image into Photoshop, then use the quick selection tool to select a piece of rock as shown below:
Paste it on to our document, name this new layer as “big rock”:
Erase the bottom-left portion of the rock with a soft brush to it blends into the cloud:
Add the following 2 adjustment layers to this big rock layer: (make sure to tick the “use previous layer as clipping mask” option)
and you will have the following effect for the rock:
Duplicate this big rock layer a few times, reduce the size of the rock and scatter the smaller rocks around the canvas, as shown below:
Also render some cloud on the grass to create some foggy effect. To do this, simply use the lasso tool with a 50px feather to draw a selection, set the foregound colour to be white, background colour to be light-grey, then render some cloud in it:
Duplicate this cloud layer a few times and scatter them round the canvas:
Step 6
Now let’s create a ring effect for this image. Create a new layer and use the elliptical tool with 10px feather to draw a seletion as shown below:
right-click and choose “stroke”:
Apply the following stroke settings:
and you will have the following ring effect:
Attach this ring to the big floating rock, make sure you erase the portion behind the rock, as shown below: (use the free transform tool to adjust its size to fit the rock)
Add a curves adjustment on top of all previous layers:
Layer mask on this curves adjustment layer:
As you can see, we add a bit of depth to the sky portion: (upper-left becomes darker than the rest)
and here is the final effect: (click to enlarge)
That’s it for this Photoshop tutorial! Hope you enjoy it and find it useful. Until next time, have a great day!
Awesome tut
Nice tutorial !
wow! nice photoshop blog! I love to read your post :)
great tut
easy tut. even a novice like me can understand
WOW, that`s very nice tutorial. Thank´s :0)
Inspiring tutorial, thanks for the post!
WOW, brilliant and beautiful! Voilà!!!! Thx for the nice tutorial
Nice tutorial! The result is fantastic!
the whole layer mask thing isn’t explained at all and i just end up with a giant black tower like thing, nothing even close. care to elaborate instead of just saying “add a layer mask?”
Something seems wrong, I end up with a black tower and not like yours, what could be wrong?
I have also the problem of the black tower, would be nice if you could explain how this happened…
thanks for the nice tutorial.
just wanted to say your absolutely fantastic at your
work. I like your tutorials, it really helps me alot.