How to Fix the Blurry Issue in Photoshop Generative Fill

In this article, I will demonstrate how to fix a blurry issue discovered in Photoshop Generative Fill.

In this article, I will demonstrate how to fix a blurry issue discovered in Photoshop Generative Fill.

Since the introduction of this new feature, I’ve seen people making use of it in all sort of ways. Quite often, you can see a blurry region in between the area of the original image, and the generative fill layer.

Below is an example (click to enlarge and see the area inside the red rectangular):

What’s Causing the Blur?

Normally we want to use Generative Fill to extend, or add objects to our image. For example, here we want to fill the left side of the image. Normally, we will go and select the blank area with a quick selection:

If we do this, Photoshop will simply fill the area but leave a blurry line in between the filled area, and the original image.

How to Fix this Blurry Area Issue

The method to fix this issue is to deliberately select a small portion of the original image – as you can see, my selection below covers both the blank area and left edge of the original image:

By doing so Photoshop will have more insights into the original image. You will notice the blurry line now disappeared and the two layers now seamlessly blends with each other:

There you go, this is how we fix the blurry issue in Photoshop Generative Fill:

Remember, the Generative Fill feature is still in Beta and may have lots of problems. You can always submit feedbacks and suggestion via Adobe’s Feature Requests and Bug Report page.