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In my opinion, landscape photo manipulation is probably one of the most interesting, however difficult to master Photoshop technique – especially identifying the light source, how to best merge a few stock images together, etc.
In this post, I will showcase 25 Absolutely Magnificant Landscape Scenary Photo Manipulation + 5 Great PS Tutorials Showing How to Make Them. Those images are hand-picked by me from deviantArt.com and I personally enjoy them very much. The tutorials are also part of my browers favourites and I hope they’re useful to you when it comes to produce great scenary photo manipulations.
Here goes the list, enjoy!
Tutorials (From Basic to Advance)
Warm Golden Sunsets With Gradient Maps
When I think of the perfect sunset photo, my mind immediately fills with lots of warm reds, oranges and yellows as the sun gently sets across the water or beyond the hills. Sunsets are one of the most commonly photographed aspects of nature, and yet photos rarely manage to capture their intense beauty. What was once a sky filled with rich, golden hues often ends up looking cooler, less vivid, and ultimately less interesting.
– Source: photoshopessentials.com
Blending Two Different Natural Elements
Blending waterfall-castle-sky by =night-fate is an easy to follow tutorial aimed at those that are new to photomanipulation.In this tutorial night-fate explains to us just one of the many ways of how to successfully blend images together to make a seamless background for a dark an emotive scene.This is just one of the many resources she has to offer.
– Source: DeviantArt.com
Planet Integration Tutorial
In this tutorial, I won’t show you how to make planet or something like that, just how to integrate finished planet in to the photo.
– Source: DeviantArt.com
The Soft Sea Light
This lesson is about how to create by three pictures only a tender collage of sea-piece. A peculiarity of this collage is that we will do the effect of soft light. For work I took pictures from the Internet, to the authors – thank you.
– Source: psdtop.com
Add Dynamic Lighting to a Flat Photograph
In this tutorial, I will show you how to spice up a fairly dull and flat photograph. It’s very easy and fast! Go from flat photo to a uniquely lit style.
– Source: psdtuts.com
That’s all for this tutorial! Hope you enjoy this collection and find those tutorials useful. Cheers and have a great day!
Now these are some awesome photomanips! Love the overall coloring and play with lighting..
awsome tutorials and photos
but please fix tutorials number 2 link
“Blending Two Different Natural Elements” link is wrong
@asif: fixed, thanks for pointing it out!
Wow….. wicked artists mann…. those manipulations are monumental… sad part is …. no tutorials for the above ones….. just have to keep experimenting… nice article, though… thanx