Draw Realistic Compact Cassette in Illustrator and Photoshop

In this tutorial, we will combine the power of pixel editing in Photoshop and vector drawing in Illustrator to draw a realistic compact cassette.

In this tutorial, we will combine the power of pixel editing in Photoshop and vector drawing in Illustrator to draw a realistic compact cassette.

This tutorial is written exclusively for PSD Vault by Mohammad Jeprie, who is an excellent icon designer from Indonesia.

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Draw a Casette Tape in Photoshop-165

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OK Let’s get started!

Step 1: Preparing Canvas

Start by making new file (Ctrl + N) in Photoshop with size 1000 × 700 pixels.

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Step 2: Preparing Paths

We will start by making path needed for the casette shape. Draw a rounded rectangle path with radius 25 px.

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In Photoshop CC, you can see the size and other properties of the path in Properties pallete. You can simply edit the parameter to change the path without redrawing it.

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Step 3

Select four topmost point usng Direct Selection tool.

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Hit Ctrl + T to transform selected points. Hold Alt and then pull the selection inward.

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Hit Enter to accept the transformation process. In Photoshop CC, you may find this warning. What you just did there will change the path to regular path and you no longer can edit its parameter. That’s fine in this case, just hit Yes.

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Step 4

Draw another rounded rectangle inside the shape. This one is area for transparent window where you can see the tape.

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Step 5

And another rounded rectangle. This will be used for its label.

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Step 6

Draw another rounded rectangle on its lower left side. Hit Ctrl + T and then rotate it a bit. Repeat this to the other side.

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Step 7

Draw a rounded rectangle on its lower part.

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Step 8

Hit Ctrl + T to transform it. Right click and select Perspective.

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Step 9

Pull the top part inward.

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Step 10

Duplicate the biggest rounded rectangle path by hitting Ctrl + C and then Ctrl + V.

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Step 11

Select both the duplicate path and the previous path. From the option bar, set its mode to Intersect.

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Step 12

Again, this time select Merge Shape Components. Both shape will intersects.

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Step 13

Duplicate the path and then resize it. So, now we have two identical paths but with different size.

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Step 14

Draw two circle paths on the casette corner. Add two rounded rectangle forming a plus sign and then rotate them a bit. They are going to be screw on the casette body.

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Step 15

Add screw to another corner. Do this simply by duplicating (Alt-drag) the first screw.

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Step 16

Add some thin rectangles path on the center of the transparent window.

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Step 17

We will draw the tape center. This shape is much more complex than the others. So, I prefer to use real vector editing software. My choice is Illustrator since the vector it produce can easily exported to Photoshop. Start by selecting Ellipse tool and then Shift-click and drag to make a new circle.

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Step 18

Draw following shape using Pen tool. While the shape is still selected, select Object Path > Divide Objects Below.

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Step 19

The previous command will cut every shape underneath it. Our circle is now separated. I change its color below so you can easily see the new shape.

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Step 20

Add smaller circle with same origin. Then, add a triangle. Select both shape and select subtract from Pathfinder panel.

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Step 21

Add another circle from same origin. Click Object > Path > Divide Objects Below.

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Step 22

Select two pointy cones and then delete it until we have following shape.

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Step 23

Draw a circle, similar to the previous one. Add a rectangle on its center. Select both shapes. From the Pathfinder panel, click Subtract icon.

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Step 24

Add a smaller circle shape. Select both shape and click Divide icon from the Pathfinder panel.

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Step 25

Right click the shape and click Ungroup.

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Step 26

Delete shapes in its center.

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Now, we should have two arch shapes.

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Step 27

Add another circle and rectangle again. Click Unite.

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Step 28

Add bigger circle. Select both shapes and click Divide.

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Step 29

Select left, right, upper, and lower shape and then delete them.

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Here’s what we have now.

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Step 30

Select the last two shape and then rotate it.

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Step 31

Draw a thin rectangle on center of the shape.

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Step 32

Right click the shape and select Transform > Rotate.

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Step 33

In the dialog box, set its angle to 60°. Click copy.

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Step 34

Repeat clicking Copy until we have three rectangles.

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Step 35

Draw a small circle on its center. Copy the circle by hitting Ctrl + C. Select circle and one of the rectangle. Click Subtract in Pathfinder.

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We have this now.

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Step 36

Repeat this step until we have six rectangles.

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Step 37

Select the six rectangles and then hit Ctrl + Alt + [ to put it behind all other shapes.

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Step 38

Draw a ring shape by making two circles and then set both shapes to Subtract.

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Step 39

Send the ring shape to the back. Now, there are no hole on the shape, except on its center.

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Step 40

Add another ring shape, this time smaller.

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Step 41

We’re done working in Illustrator. Copy all the shapes using Ctrl + C. Return to Photoshop, paste it using Ctrl + V. In the option dialog, paste it as path.

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You may need to resize the paths so it fits with the casette tape proportion. Duplicate the path because obviously we need of this.

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Step 42

Draw a ring path made from two circle path with mode Subtract.

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Step 43

Draw another ring shape for the other tape.

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Step 44

Use pen tool to manually draw tape extendign from the circles.

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Step 45

In the end, you should have this set of paths. In a moments, we will convert them into shape layers and then carefully polishing it to get realistic result.

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Step 46: Start

Select the main paths that create the casette basic shape. Copy (Ctrl + C) and paste it (Ctrl + V) into new Path.

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Step 47

For the hole and transparent window, set its mode to Subtract.

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Step 48

Click Create New Fill icon from Layers pallete and select Solid Color. For its color, use #40442d.

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Step 49

Double click layer shape and activate Gradient Overlay. Use default white to black gradient with low Opacity.

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Step 50

Ctrl-click the shape layer to make new selection based on its shape. Add new layer. Paint black on left side of the casette.

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Here’s the result we have.

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Step 51

Select path we made in Step 12. Hit Ctrl + Enter to convert it to selection. Make new layer and then fill it with color #454930.

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Step 52

Make lots of thin rectangular selections. To do this, draw a thin rectangular path using rectangle tool. Select it then hit Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V to duplicate it. Make new layer, fill it with darker color.

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Step 53

Double click layer and then activate Bevel & Emboss and Drop Shadow. Hit Ctrl + Alt G to place the lines inside the shape made in Step 51.

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Step 54

Make bigger selection behind the shape, based on the shape made in Step 13.

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Step 55

Make new layer and the paint with black to add soft shadow and white to add highlight. Use soft brush with 0% hardness and small bruzh size. If needed, you can reduce the layer’s opacity to decrease the highlight and shadow effect.

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Step 56

This is what we have if we remove the top shape.

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Step 57

Ctrl + click all layer’s thumbnail until we have new selection which cover all the shape. Make new above all the shapes. Fill it with black.

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Step 58

Click Filter > Noise > Add Noise.

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Step 59

Change its blend mode to Screen. This will add noise texture onto the surface and make it appears more realistic.

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Step 60

We don’t want too much noise on the front face. Add layer mask and then paint with grey to reduce the noise.

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Step 61

Add another noise, but this time darker noise. Make similar selection, add new layer, fill it with white, and then apply Noise filter. Add Layer Mask and then apply grey to white gradient with angle 45°.

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Step 62

Change its blend mode to Multiply and then reduce the Opacity.

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Step 63

Draw a rounded rectangle for the casette label. Use #e1eae9 for its color.

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Step 64

Grab paper texture and place it on top of the shape. Hit Ctrl + Alt + G to convert the texture layer to clipping mask. This way, the paper goes inside the shape. You can reduce the Opacity to soften the paper texture.

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Step 65

Shift-drag with small Brush tool to draw lines in new layer. Make sure to set its size to very small, 1 or 2 px. You can use any color you want for the lines. In this project, I use blue.

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Step 66

Add text onto the casette label. To make it appears more organic, I use free handwriting font, Pacifico.

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Step 61

Make sure the text is selected. Hit Ctrl + T and then rotate it a bit. This will make it more natural.

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Step 62

From the Option Bar, click Warp icon. Use setting seen below.

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Step 63

Draw a rounded rectangle behind the label. Apply Bevel & Emboss and Inner Shadow.

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Step 64

Set layers Fill to 0%.

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Step 65

Make new layer and place it behind the label. Activate Brush tool and set its brush size to 5 px. Dab a few times to paint some small shadows behind the label.

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Step 66

Add two rounded rectangle shapes behind the casette main body. Use darker color than the main body.

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Step 67

Add new layer above the shapes. Paint black to add subtle shadow on its edge.

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Step 68

Add new layer behind the shape. Draw a rectangular selection covering all the holes. Subtract the selection by Alt-dragging with elliptical marque. Try to make new selection as seen below.

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Step 69

In the new layer, fill selection with darker color. This will add illusion of three appearance on the casette surface, make it thick.

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Step 70

To fix the 3D illusion, we also need to add rounded rectangle shape with darker color.

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Step 71

We can also move one step further by drawing casette holes. Here, the result is not too significant because the casette itself is already dark.

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Step 72

To make it realistic, let’s add lighting onto the surface. Make new layer above the shape and convert it to Clipping Mask (Ctrl + Alt + G). Paint white using big soft Brush tool.

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Step 73: Bolts

Add a dark circle shape with color #262c28. Apply following Layer Styles to turn it into three dimentional object.

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Step 74

We still need to add custom lighting onto the surface to make it realistic. Ctrl-click the shape to make new selection. Make new layer and then paint white on its side using small size Brush tool.

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Step 75

Add a plus sign shape on top of the surface. Use darker color, #181c1f. Apply Inner Shadow, Inner Glow, and Gradient Overlay to add bevel effect onto the plus shape.

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Step 76

Make new layer and then paint soft highlight inside the plus sign using Brush tool.

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Step 77

Ctrl-drag to duplicate the screw. Place them on each corner.

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Step 78

Pace dark circle behind the screw.

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Step 79

Place another screw on the casette surface. In this position, the screw is much deeper inside the hole. So, we need to make it darker. Make new layer above the screw and convert it to Clipping Mask (Ctrl + Alt + G). Paint shadow covering the screw using Brush tool with low Opacity.

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Step 80

Use marquee tool to draw a frame selection behind the transparent window. Fill it with #444837 and place it behind the casette. This will adds three dimentional appearance onto the casette body.

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Step 81

Use Brush tool to draw big and soft shadow behind the casette.

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Step 82: Reel

Select the outmost ring path. Paste it as a separate path. Click Add Adjustment Layer icon and select Solid Color. Select light grey for its color.

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Step 83

Apply Inner Glow and Drop Shadow into the layer.

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Step 84

Add new layer shape made from the next part of the reel. Use same Layer Styles. But, you can see that some of the shadows from Drop Shadow layer style is covering previous shape. We don’t want it.

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Double click the layer shape and then activate Layer Mask Hides Effects.

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Step 85

Add layer mask onto the layer and then paint unneeded shadow with black to hid it.

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Step 86

Convert next path to layer shape. Set its color to #303636. Double click the layer shape and then apply Bevel & Emboss and Drop Shadow with following settings.

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Step 87

Convert next path into layer shape. Apply following Layer Styles.

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Step 88

As in previous step, we need to hid some of the shadow from the last shape to prevent it from overlapping this shape. Use same techniques, activate Layer Mask Hides Effects on layer Blending Options, add layer mask, and then paint unneeded areas with black.

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Step 89

Add ring shape on the back of the reel.

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Step 90

Make new rectangular selection. Fill it with white. Click Filter > Noise > Add Noise. make new selection based on the reel shape simply by Ctrl-clicking all its layers. Add layer mask to hid unselected areas. Set its blend mode layer to Multiply. Reduce layer’s opacity if needed.

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Step 91

We almost done with the reel. Add smaller ring shape behind the reel. Use very dark color, #0e1316. Behind it, add set of rectangles with darker color.

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Step 92

To the rectangles, add Bevel & Emboss with following settings.

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Here’s how the rectangles looks like, if the other components is hidden.

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Step 93

We are going to make the reel shadow. Ctrl-click the reels shape layer to make new selection based on its shapes.

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Step 94

Make new layer and place it behind the reel. Fill selection with black. Click Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur.

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Step 95

Activate Move tool. Hit Left and Down arrow a few times to move the reel shadow.

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Step 96

Add some thin lines on the window’s center. Put minute information below it.

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Step 97

Ctrl-click the text and the lines. Make new layer and place it behind. Fill with black. hit Ctrl + D to deselect. Apply small Gaussian Blur filter, use Move tool to move the result a few pixels to the left..

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Step 98

Draw a ring shape with color #1f2825. Place it behind the reel.

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Step 99

Apply following Layer Styles.

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Step 100

Ctrl-click one of the ring shape. Make new layer and then fill it with color #141a1a.

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Step 101

Apply Add Noise filter.

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Step 102

Click Filter > Blur > Radial Blur. Select Spin for its method. Click OK.

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Step 103

Convert the shape to Clipping Mask (Ctrl + Alt + G).

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Step 104

Repeat same step to the other reel.

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Step 105

Use Pen tool to draw part of the tape.

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Step 106

Apply Gradient Overlay to give it natural lighting.

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Step 107

Make new layer and hit Ctrl + Alt + G to convert it to Clipping Mask. Paint shadow on some parts of the tape.

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Step 108

Select tape and its reel.

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Step 109

Fill selection with black. Deselect (Ctrl + D) and then apply Gaussian Blur filter. Move it a few pixels to the left.

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Step 110

Repeat same step to add more shadow until they appear realistic.

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Step 111

You may need to manually draw the shadow to get a realistic result. Such as this one. This part of the tape shadow appears realistic because it match the tape distance to the surface.

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Step 112

Add darker shadow behind the tape reel.

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Step 113: Window

Make new layer. Make rectangular selection covering the window and then fill it with white. Reduce its Opacity. We want to make a transparent plastic on front of the window.

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Step 114

Make new layer and then paint soft line using Brush tool on the window surface. Use white to get a highlight drawn on the window surface.

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Step 115

Repeat the step to add another highlight on top part.

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Step 116

Make new layer and then paint random white shape using Brush tool on the window surface. Reduce teh layer Opacity. The effect is very subtle, but it helps to add realism onto the final result.

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Step 117

Let’s add another highlight. Draw random selection using Lasso tool. Make new layer aand then fill it with white to black gradient. Erase unneeded areas using soft Eraser tool.

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Step 118

Reduce its layer’s Opacity. You can also play around with the blend mode.

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Step 119

Grab sctratches texture and place it on top of the window. Change its blend mo Overlay and reduce its Opacity. Depending on the texture you use, you may need to select different blend mode. Feel free to experiment.

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Step 120

Repeat this step to other that you feel need more texture.

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Step 121

We xcan also add scratches texture right onto the casette to make it dirtier. Ctrl-click the casete container tape to make new selection based on its shape.

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Step 122

Make new layer and put it behind all other layers. Fill selection with black. Apply Gaussian Blur filter to soften it. Move it a few pixels down and left. This will be the casette shadow.

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Final Result

Add softer and bigger shadow using same technique. You can see that we have just finished the drawing. I think this is pretty realistic. What do you think?

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  1. one of the BIGGEST most detailed tutorials i’ve ever seen.. n probably will ever see for a while.. the author deserves to get paid well for this!!

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