Create Bread & Strawberry Jam Text Effect in Photoshop

In this Photoshop tutorial, I will show you the steps I took to create this interesting bread text effect in Photoshop. We will be adjusting and manipulating several bread stock images to make our typography. Have a try!

In this Photoshop tutorial, I will show you the steps I took to create this interesting bread & strawberry jam text effect in Photoshop. We will be adjusting and manipulating several bread stock images to make our typography. Have a try!

The PSD file of this tutorial is available via the PSD Vault VIP members area.

Here is a preview of the final effect I have for this tutorial: (click to enlarge)

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OK Let’s get started!

To complete this tutorial, you will need the following stocks:

Bread Stock Image 1

Bread Stock Image 2

Bread Stock Image 3

Bread Stock Image 4

Strawberry Jam

Step 1

Create a new document sized 1400px * 800px with white background. Load the “bread stock image 1” and make a selection of the Croissant:

Copy and paste the selection to our document. Reduce its size and rotate it to form a letter “C”:

Use a soft eraser, remove the shadow around the Croissant:

Apply the following 2 adjustment layers as clipping masks to this letter “C” layer:



and here is the effect so far:

Step 2

We will work on our next text “A”. Load the Break Stock Image 2 into Photoshop and select it:

Copy and paste the selection onto our document. Re-size and rotate this layer as shown below:

Duplicate this layer once and flip it horizontally:

Duplicate one more of this bread layer, finish the letter “A” with it:

and here is the effect so far:

Step 3

We will work on the letter “F” in this step. Load the Break stock image 3 into Photoshop and select it:

Copy and paste the selection to our document. Re-size and rotate it as shown below:

Repeat the above process and copy two more pieces onto our document:

We will form the letter “F” in this step:

Step 4

We will work on the letter “Y” in this step. Load the break stock 4 image into Photoshop and select it:

Copy and paste it onto our document. Re-size and then warp it into a curvy shape:

Repeat the above process, and add another piece of bread on the left side:

Then add another piece down the bottom:

And here is the effect so far:

Step 5

We will add some Jam onto the bread in the step. Load the strawberry jam and select the jam part with the Lasso Tool:

Copy and paste the selection to our document. Re-size it and place it on top of letter “C”:

Warp it slightly:

Also use the Liquify Filter with the following brush setting:

This is my result after using the liquify filter:

Repeat this process and add more jams onto our letters:

Step 6

We’re almost done! For final touches, use cloud brush to paint some cloud around the letters:

You can also the add some colours with a colour balance adjustment layer – I will leave this to you to experiment.

Here is my final result: (click to enlarge)

That’s it for this tutorial! Hope you enjoy it and find it useful. Till next time, have a great day!